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1911 packages found
Delightful JavaScript Testing.
Delightful JavaScript Testing.
Hashing made simple. Get the hash of a buffer/string/stream/file.
Model-based dynamic multi-level APIs for any provider, plus multiple consumption channels
Lightweight SQL helper methods that simplify stuff (MySQL and PostgreSQL)
Make configurable canvas easily with Canvafy
- canvacord
- discanvas
- canvafy
- discord
- discord.js
- canvas
- rank
- card
- rankcard
- skia-canvas
- skia
- nodejs
- esm
- es6
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Wraps your WebSockets into Promise-based class with full d.ts typings on client & server
Quick Mongo Super is a light-weight and easy-to-use Node.js module written in TypeScript to work with MongoDB.
- mongo
- mongodb
- db
- database
- nosql
- cloud
- cloud-database
- clouddatabase
- super
- quick-mongo
- quick.db
- quick-db
- quick-mongo-db
- quick-mongo-super
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Easily inject checkout.js as a react component. Will load the script on demand and supports all the options from stripe docs.
An easy to use JavaScript Dependency Injection Library
Easily inject checkout.js as a react component. Will load the script on demand and supports all the options from stripe docs.
Easy and customizable economy module for your Discord Bot.
- discord
- bot
- discord.js
- economy
- fast
- easy
- easy-eco
- easy-economy
- discord economy
- discord-economy
- discord-economy-super
- discord-js
- discord-eco
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Easy way to make a Readable Stream
A simple database wrapper to make sqlite database interactions much easier for beginners, with additional array helper methods.
Parse Server Module to send emails via SMTP with a customizable template option and Multi Language
A set of functions for coding easy to read HTTP requests.
Easily inject checkout.js as a react component. Will load the script on demand and supports all the options from stripe docs.
Easy and Lightweight Utilities
An easy, non-locking, persistent better-sqlite3 wrapper designed to be easy to setup & utilize
NodeJS crypto module wrapper for humans