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145 packages found
Make configurable canvas easily with Canvafy
- canvacord
- discanvas
- canvafy
- discord
- discord.js
- canvas
- rank
- card
- rankcard
- skia-canvas
- skia
- nodejs
- esm
- es6
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hast utility to get the rank (or depth, level) of headings
Make configurable canvas easily with Monafy
Used to calculate the high bound, low bound, and center of a Wilson score interval. Features support for continuity correction and Singleton's adjustment.
hast utility to change heading rank (or depth, level)
Ranks and unranks permutations
Variation on Reddit's Hot Ranking Algorithm
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
Github Users Ranking for China.
A simple algorithm (with JS ES6 features) to identify the win a hand has.
Get all element movement within lists
Potente paquete de manipulación de imágenes para principiantes.
The simplest way to build complex Discord bots.
- discord
- discord.js
- simplydjs
- buttons
- tictactoe
- calculator
- ghostping
- ticket system
- discord-ticket
- djs-ticket
- button-tickets
- ticket-buttons
- steal
- emojis
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permutation, combination and lot more.
Powerful image manipulation package for beginners.
Map an array of numbers into their fractional ranks